

The GX API (Application Programming Interface) is an extensive 64-bit API to Geosoft libraries. The API can be used to both extend Oasis montaj and to access Geosoft libraries from stand-alone programs. 

The API supports working with the Geosoft environment from a number of programming languages, as noted in the table below.

LanguageAPI Reference
Geosoft GX Language

The Geosoft GX Language API is documented as comments in the GXH header files that are installed as part of GX Developer.

C:\Program Files\Geosoft\GX Developer\gx\include


Pythonic "gxpy" module 9.1 reference
GX API for Python 9.1 reference

.NET Development

Geosoft GXNet API 9.1 reference

Geosoft GXNetX API 9.1 reference

C/C++ Development

There is no reference documentation for the C and C++ APIs available at this time.

The C API exposes all same functions that are exposed to the GXC language. Since it is much harder to use than the C++ API it is no longer recommended to make direct use of the C API.

The GX C++ API is a recent introduction and is simply a wrapper that hides the complexity of the C API functions behind a cleaner interface. It was developed to implement the Python API layer so the class and method naming follows the same conventions. The C++ class uses exceptions to report errors and also uses smart pointers and internal thread local storage geosoft handle to the prevent having to pass this to all API calls.

C and C++ include files, lib files and examples can be found in folder:

C:\Program Files\Geosoft\GX Developer\cpp

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