Geosoft GX Developer 8.5
Differences from C
Although the GXC language is based on C it is somewhat simplified. Experienced C programmers will notice the following differences...
As you can see from the summary of operators, GX Programming Language provides almost full support of all C language operators. There are two sets of standard operators that you will not find here:
- Bitwise operators (<<, >>, &, |, ^ and ~) enable you to perform very low-level manipulations at the bit level.
- Address operators (& and *) are for manipulating the addresses of variables and for working with pointers, respectively.
Since GX programming does not require (permit) low-level functions, addresses or pointers, they are not included in the language.
String literals
String literals (tokens) are also not supported. Instead we provide a class of library functions (STR) that you can use for working with text. See the STR class for more information.
Variable Declaration
Unlike C, variables cannot be declared within a compound statement. All variables must be declared at the top of the unit.
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Geosoft GX Developer 8.5