.NET Languages

Geosoft GX Developer 8.5

.NET Languages

Most of the current development at Geosoft is done in the C# language and making use of the .NET platform and there are lots of examples showing how this is done. In particular the <Geosoft>\GX developer\gxnet\src\gxnet.csproj file includes the code for all of the Geosoft .Net GXs.

In order to access your routine from within montaj you will need to create a menu item with the second parameter in the form:


for example the dap.smn menu contains the following item:

ITEM "Add Bing Maps Imagery..." ,Geosoft.EIMS.GXNet.dll(Geosoft.EIMS.GX.AddBingLayerToMap;Run) {?map}

That is, the Run method of the AddBingLayerToMap gx, which is part of the Geosoft.EIMS.GX namespace and is found in the Geosoft.EIMS.GXNet assembly.



The Geosoft GX .NET API has two flavors consisting of 2 assemblies each.

The first flavor's namespace ends in GXNet and is used for most extensions and standalone programs. This API is not thread safe and all API calls should be used inside a single thread only. The second's namespace ens in GXNetX and could be used where multiple threads uses the API at the same time. Each thread should have it's own CGX_NET or CGXNETCore context object which will be the first argument passed to static methods and object creation methods.

The 2 assemblies split the available classes roughly into what is considered "Core"  engine functionality (Geoengine.Core.* namspace) and classes that are closer to what the full Oasis montaj Desktop suite offers (Geosoft.Desktop.* namspace). 

The GX API Reference links contains details on everything available in these APIs.

Installed Files

The GX Developer installation contains the following files for C# .NET development:

C# Examples



Console program to copy/convert grids using IMG class interface. (C# version).


GUI program that can execute GS Scripts and GX’s in GUI mode (C# version).
gxnet\examples\GoogleMapsTool\Example that combines Geosoft API with Google Maps.
gxnet\examples\XToolControl\Sample Geosoft XTool, with binding GX.
gxnet\src\All Geosoft C# code and XTools.

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Geosoft GX Developer 8.5