Geosoft Environment Settings and Preferences
Geosoft GX Developer 8.4
Geosoft Environment Settings and Preferences
The geosettings.meta file in the Geosoft ini directory is used to maintain user preferences for a variety of default settings when your user is using the system. You can use this file to store your own GX default settings, and you can control the access you want to provide your users. Use the following SYS functions to access and change information in the geosettings.meta file:
Function | Usage |
iGlobal_SYS | Get a global parameter setting. |
GlobalSet_SYS | Set a global parameter setting. |
GlobalReset_SYS | Reset the global parameters to original values. |
WriteGlobal_SYS | Modify the global parameters to current settings. (Rewrite the geosettings.meta file.) |
Refer to sys.gxh for information on how to use these functions. You can also look at the SETTINGS GX source code to see how Geosoft modifies the global settings.
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Geosoft GX Developer 8.4