Geosoft Desktop - Installation Folder Organization

Geosoft Desktop - Installation Folder Organization

Oasis montaj is by default installed as "Geosoft Desktop" in the "Program files" folder of your "C:" drive.   Certain files required to support 32-bit interoperability may be installed in the "Geosoft Desktop" folder of "Program Files (x86)", but these can be disregarded for developers who intend to extend Oasis montaj or create stand-alone 64-bit programs.

All program files that configure and control the look and behaviour of Oasis montaj are organized into subfolders.  The .../user/ subfolder is reserved for user files and user customizations and has the same structure as the main folders.  For example, Geosoft menu files are stored in .../omn/, and any customized menu files you create must be stored in .../user/omn/.

The following table describes the content of each of the Geosoft folders.

.../barGeosoft toolbar description files (.geobar)
.../bin/Geosoft binary executable files and DLLs
.../csv/Named parameter tables, such as coordinate system parameters, parameters used in templates, etc.
.../csv_aliases/Named parameter aliases that are used to remap certain names to the name used in a named parameter table.
.../data/Sample data sets.
.../etc/Miscellaneous reference files
.../fonts/Geosoft format vector font files
.../ger/Error message files
.../gs/Scripts, many called from omn files.
.../gx/Geosoft Language compile GXs
.../hlp/Help files
.../img/Images, toolbars and icons
.../ini/Initialization files, mostly dealing with mapping names to files.
.../maptemplate/Map templates for standard Geosoft maps.
.../omnGeosoft menu description files (.omn and .smn)
.../pages/XML files to support DAP data management functions
.../schema/XML schemas
.../spec/Geosoft "special" customization
.../stylesheets/metadata style sheets
.../tbl/colour tables
.../temp/Geosoft temporary folder. This location can be changed on installation or by the user settings.
.../user/...User versions of the above folders. Any customizations should be placed in appropriate sub-folders.
For example, a custom .omn file should be placed in .../user/omn/.

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